OUR LADY OF SAO BIEN – Vietnam Catholic Tours


Since 2006 the Shrine of Our Lady of Sao Bien has become a pilgrimage site of Da Nang diocese, located on the coast of My Khe, near St. Paul’s Da Nang. In October 2006, when the Xangsane superpowers arrived in Vietnam, the hurricane center crossed Da Nang with a concentrated power of 120-130km / h to destroy the city. But the miracle is the wall of Our Lady of the Sea, placed on the rough shelves in the area between the monastery and the seafront, seemingly unharmed, including the old sheets of temporary shield over the head of Our Lady. Recognizing the sacredness of the Blessed Mother, the man who pleads with the Mother of the Sea stars every day and becomes one of the worthy pilgrimages to visit in the Central.

After that, the Shrine of Our Lady of the Sea was built completely near the original site so that pilgrims could be closer to Mother. On the morning of every Saturday in the beginning of the month, the Bishop of the Diocese, following the Mass at the Chapel of the Pauline Parish, joined the nuns and lay people present as processors to visit Mother of the Sea, offering flowers and lyrics and the prayer to Mother. The miracles and blessings that the Mother of the Sea gives are not discriminated against, as long as those who come to her pray with sincerity and trust.

Mass times:

Weekdays: 5.00 – 19.00,

Sunday: 7.00 – 15.00 – 19.00

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Traveling with us in the meaning of “CONNECT and SHARE”, you will see how life becomes special to catholic communities and it is a great chance to understand more about Vietnamese culture and catholic stories through the real local catholics.

About us

Representative: Ho Thi Suong Lan (Ms)

Tax code: 3301492791

Date of issue: 24/08/2012

Place of issue: Thua Thien Hue Province.

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Ho Thi Suong Lan


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16 Doan Huu Trung – Phuoc Vinh Ward – Thuan Hoa District – Hue City – Vietnam

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